
Monday, January 19, 2015


Do you have a smartboard? I had one in my old classroom. I miss it so much, but I am scheduled to get one in February at my new school this year. I am starting word families this week, and I love having the students use the smartboard to manipulate their word families. I introduce it whole group for a little while and then turn it into a smartboard center. I have a word family check off list as they make each word. Can't wait to do this again with my current kinder kiddos.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


This week in kindergarten we read the book Snowballs for shared reading. The students all brought in "good stuff" as referenced in the book to make their own snowman. They were so engaged in this activity. They were really taking time to design their snowman. I love seeing my students engaged! Compliant is one thing, but engaged is where the magic of teaching happens.

Vowels in Kindergarten!

We just finished our study of vowels. Check out these cute flap books the kids make.