
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I'm Done!!!! What do I do now?

Early Finisher Tubs worked great in my classroom this last school year. You always have those students who whip right through an activity, and they are ready to move on to the next activity before you can catch your breath. This usually isn't a problem during center time, but what do you do when it's not center time??? I have tubs that I used to call the "Early Finisher Tubs", but thanks to Dee Dee Wills and her blog I stole her great idea to call them "Dessert Tubs". I like this idea because their purpose is to be a quick after dinner treat to keep early finishers engaged, so that the other kiddos can finish. NOT a whole meal 20+ minute free time. Who has time for that with all these standards to teach????
 Anyway.... I made labels for my dessert tubs and I thought I would share them. Just click on the link below. I forgot to take a pic of my students doing their dessert tubs before the school year ended, but I'm  sure you get the idea. Enjoy :)

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