
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Long Range Plans!

Long range plans are not what you want to think about when you are ending your very busy school year. Trust me I know! All you can think about is sipping margaritas on the beach without all those 5 (now 6) year olds screaming your name all day. However.........It's only a matter of time before you start missing those 5 year old screams, and kicking yourself in the butt that you didn't plan ahead by making long range plans because now you have a million other things to do and who has time for that? Right? Well my grade level did it this year, and we are already feeling a little more stress free to start the school year off. I thought I would share this editable treasure so that you too can be prepared. We carefully planned out all the common core standards so that we will be organized, prepared, and ready for those little kiddos to walk through our doors in August. Who am I kidding? I am I ever ready? I still get nervous after year 10!

Link to Long Range Plans

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